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Policies and Procedures
There are no refunds for this program.
- If there is space available, you may move your skater on a permanent basis, but you cannot move back and forth between class days. Please email and request a class day change which would be approved based on availability.
- A parent or other responsible adult must be available in the rink or in the lobby area during the class.
- For insurance purposes, only Skate Canada members are allowed on the ice. No parents are allowed on the ice at any time.
- Members are assigned to specific groups on the day for which they registered and cannot attend a class on another day unless they make a permanent move to that class (only possible if there are spaces available).
- Participants who go away on extended vacations cannot make up the missed classes on another class day or receive a refund for missed classes.
- Volunteering is not required by the Red Deer Skating Club for this program.
- Parental Consent: In consideration of the benefits awarded to us by acceptance of your registration, the parents/guardian agrees to hold and save harmless, the Red Deer Skating Club and its Executive, and Coaches, and Administration from any claim and/or injuries sustained during skating sessions or for the loss of property. We, the parent or guardian will be responsible for the payment of all outstanding fees and accept the responsibility for any loss or damage which may occur during the skating session. The parent/guardian agrees to abide by all the rules of the Red deer Skating Club and of Skate Canada, as set forth in the rule book of the Association.
- Privacy Policy: The personal information used to register is protected by the privacy provisions of the Freedom on Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the use of your information, contact the Club Administrator: 403.358.1701
- The Red Deer Skating Club reserves the right to cancel or change all scheduled times and programs due to insufficient registration. Throughout the skating season, unexpected ice cancellations may occur. There will be no refunds for a change in the ice schedule.
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